Devotions for the Distracted Heart

Praise the Lord, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. - Psalms 103:5

Distraction of Divas

“But those who wait upon GOD get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles,They run and don’t get tired. They walk and don’t lag behind.”—Isaiah 40:31 (MSG) The day…
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Lessons learned from Herons

I have been doing a lot of bird watching lately. It never ceases to amaze me how much I learn about God through His creation. I hope you will be…
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Trusting God

Our first sight took our breath away! The Alaskan River shoreline was lined with verdant green pines as the water flowed and meandered around the bend. We saw seals diving…
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Worry, Anxiety, selfishness, unforgiveness, judgemental, distractions, unforgiveness, busyness, trust, abide, love, servant hearted, joy, grace, peace, to be seen

Distraction of Demolition

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust…
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Christmas nativity scene

The Senses of Christmas

Looking at this picture above, I see the lights and the nativity figures, I feel the cold, I smell the fresh cut boughs, I hear the Christmas carols, and I…
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Are you hiding from something? - Peg Arnold using a mask

Distraction of Disguises

 Then she took Esau’s best clothes—they were there in the house—and instructed Jacob to put them on. And she made him a pair of gloves from the hairy skin of the…
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My first catch! Peg Arnold holding a halibut

Distraction of Situational Demands

Just as we adapted our clothing and equipment to suit the weather and the fish we were targeting, it reminded me of the importance of adapting our spiritual attire to the situations we face in life.
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Bunkbed with a desk underneath

Distraction of Dorms

Despite knowing these things, I began to worry. Anxiety created stress, which led to sleeplessness, and an erosion of trust. This affected my relationship with my daughter and with God. I needed to make a change.
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Peg's book bag from elementary school. The box in the back stored all her childhood mementos.

Distraction of Decluttering

The decluttering process may be simple to describe, but it takes work to implement if you are like me. I marvel at my adult children and how they can make decisions to minimize clutter. For me, it is more complicated.
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Floating cube dock in a Lake

Distraction of Daily Demands

Daily devotions provide that time of refueling. It is when we can connect more profoundly with our Lord Jesus through His word, study, reflection, and prayer. When we fix our eyes on Him daily, He can fill us with His wisdom, strength, and peace.
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