Distraction of Demolition
Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:19-21 NLT
Early one freezing winter morning last month, we drove to the Denver airport, taking my brother and his wife to catch a seven a.m. flight. On the way there, we reminisced about the special experiences they had on their first visit to our new home. When out of the blue! “Crash!” our car shook as the right side swung up, then veered and hit the cement construction barrier wall on the left. We feared the car would flip as it was dangerously balanced on the two right wheels and continued moving forward.
My husband skillfully maneuvered the vehicle to the shoulder. We all spoke at once: “Is everyone okay?” “What just happened?” “A car came out of nowhere and hit us.” “Look at the passenger window!”
Shattered glass covered the dashboard and front seat. We breathed a sigh of relief as we realized we were not hurt nor dead, saying, “Thank you, Lord, we are okay!”
Despite being shaken up, I quickly dialed 911 to report the incident. My brother, however, scheduled an Uber to pick them up at the accident location. The next few hours were a flurry of activity. The Uber driver arrived before the policeman! We shivered outside as we talked with police, EMTs, firefighters, tow truck drivers, and insurance agents as the traffic on the busy highway whizzed by. Finally, we headed home crammed into the back seat of a truck cab, with our demolished car on the rear bed.
Once home, I wandered about aimlessly and finally cuddled in a blanket. I shared the harrowing experiences with family and friends, reliving the situation as a bad dream. Yet, as I looked at the pictures of the demolished car that hit us, God gently calmed my nerves, soothed my mind, and revealed new perspectives. First, I praised Him for protecting us. Despite the extreme damage to the cars, the personal injuries were minimal. God safeguarded all involved, even though the accident occurred on a dark, busy highway.
Did you ever wake up with plans only to have a sudden crash interrupt and derail everything? Life precariously balances on two wheels, and you hang on, uncertain what the next step will
bring. In these moments, when our world turns upside down, it’s not our strength but the comfort and hope of God that sustains us.
Oh, it’s not over because we still have the inconvenience of no car, the insurance paperwork, doctor’s appointments, and vehicle repairs or replacement. This all takes time, and there are many emotions to process when we experience unexpected traumatic events that destroy our material things.
Through this ordeal, God brought a familiar scripture to mind. It is not one I would
have considered in this situation.Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT) says, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, the desires of your heart will also be.”
This message warns us not to fret about material things but to focus on God’s kingdom first. Sometimes, this is difficult when those items are critical to your lifestyle and impact your finances. But I think it is God’s reminder to prioritize our relationship with Him and value the fragility of life.
Where is my treasure after experiencing this unexpected event? My heart desires to nurture my relationship with God and others while lifting praises for His provision. I often don’t get it right, but I am grateful for God’s wisdom, guidance, and patience in these lessons.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord,
When we encounter a situation that unexpectedly and precariously flips our lives, help us cling to Your promises. You are:
- The strength that sustains us.
- The comfort that supports us.
- Our hope for the future.
Help us not give in to worries and anxiety about material inconveniences daily. But instead, focus on the treasures of connection with You and others. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.

Welcome, I'm Peg Arnold!
In spite of giving my heart to Christ as a teenager, I continued to focus on my inadequacies and struggle with self-doubt. I knew God was always there, and desired to seek His will. It has been through His word, His love, and forgiveness that I have found strength to overcome my insecurities. I want that for you too.
Peg Arnold
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