Photo of Judy and Peg Arnold Colorado

"Peg is an amazing woman! With her drama, wit, and love for the Lord portrayed she captures her audience and keeps them wanting more. With her genuineness and warm, caring heart each one of our ladies is wondering when she is going to come back!"

Judy - Colorado

Photo of Karin and Peg Arnold Tennessee

"Amazing! Uplifting! Motivational! Heart Touching! These all come to mind when I think of Peg Arnold. Peg is a woman of true faith using the gifts God has given her to bless others!"

Karin - Tennessee

Photo of Judy and Peg Arnold Michigan

... Her energy was shining through as she demonstrated the Armor of God with props significant to the verses but demonstrating in a clear way how strong and dependable the love of God and Jesus Christ is using this armor in today's world.

Judy - Michigan

United Methodist Church of Sun City Center


"What a fresh approach to ministry”; “I left the church with much to think about in the upcoming days.” "We are grateful for Peg’s visit and are seeking new opportunities to work with the WOW Ministry."

Dr. Lynn Glassbrook Ph.D. Divinity


Peg has developed a marvelous message offered through “the ladies”- characters she has created which are whimsical, serious, sometimes sharp and sometimes, poignant. As she changes from one into the other, laughter rings out as different ladies are introduced. Yet one can hear a pin drop as Peg continues the message. Those who have witnessed this message continue to speak of it – and the transforming work of God continues."

Cris Carter Law, LLC


"I was captured by Peg Arnold’s authenticity, passion, and wit as I saw her present biblical vignettes at a women’s retreat. Peg has a truly unique style of delivery. Her use of drama, life stories and humor allows her teaching to remain memorable long after experiencing her presentation. If you are looking for a speaker that delivers her message differently and impactfully, Peg Arnold is the speaker for you."

Bridget Wood LHCC Women’s Ministry


"Thank you so much for your ministry to the women of Living Hope Community Church. I received so many positive comments and saw many smiles on Sunday morning. Your ‘multiple personalities’ made us laugh, but also do some serious self-examination. Your unique ministry reaches the deep places of the heart. We look forward to having you return next year."

Marietta Dicken

I had the pleasure of seeing Peg while attending the Winsome Women retreat on Mackinaw Island, Michigan. The characters she played made sense and touched my heart. I can relate to her characters. Making me realize how I can reach out to others.

Karin Stout

Amazing! Uplifting! Motivational! Heart touching! These all come to mind when I think of Peg Arnold. Peg is a woman of true faith using the gifts God has given her to bless others!

Calvary UMC


"Regaining Your Passion for Christ” was our theme and by the end of the weekend, we were one Passionate Group. The high points of the weekend were too numerous to count, but our speaker this year, Peg Arnold, from Wonder of Women Ministries was amazing. Through her presentation of “The Ladies”, we were entertained and moved by Peg’s amazing ability to bring a message of encouragement and “Passion” for Christ in so many different ways."

COSROW/BWUMC conference newsletter MD

"Another view of women in the church … was dramatized with humor and insight by Peg Arnold, a lay woman from Poolesville, known throughout the conference and outside the state. She burst into the room, speaking loudly, demanding attention, and interrupting the program as Penelope Pressure Pot. . . With an almost imperceptible change of jacket, hat or headgear and glasses, Arnold transformed into four more characters. . . Arnold, herself, concluded the 25-minute drama with dance and song that expressed a spiritual message."

Susan – Hospice RN CSFTS author


"The Holy Spirit touches many people through Peg. She saved my life with her love, compassion, and insights. I went from suicidal thoughts to becoming more than I ever thought I could be, because of what I learned from Peg. Don’t miss her message!"

Debbie Russell

"Peg brings biblical principles to what we are experiencing on a daily basis to every age through laughter and tears. Very relatable. She speaks from her own experiences as a woman of God. Very kind and approachable."

Joan Carroll


"I have been an attendee/participant at several of Peg’s retreats and have often heard her share her faith through a message, drama, and/or music sometimes signing the songs. She is gifted and inspirational, led by the Holy Spirit, and touches the hearts of women of all ages. After her presentations, I feel uplifted and reflective, desiring to continue growing spiritually."

Judy Brummeler, Chairwoman of our Woman's Retreat

"Peg Arnold met with us via Zoom with an uplifting message portraying the love of Christ with enthusiasm and humor. Her energy was shining through as she demonstrated the Armor of God with props significant to the verses but demonstrating in a clear way how strong and dependable the love of God and Jesus Christ is using this armor in today's world."

Reverend Emily Flemming

"We welcomed Peg as a preacher's kid and well-trained speaker to our church and pulpit when she relocated to Windsor a few years ago. First, we invited her to teach a class on crafting interactive and engaging children's sermons. Our volunteer leaders were impressed! So we invited her as a guest preacher in my absence. The congregation was thrilled with her energy, passion, professionalism, and open heart. She will bless, organize, lead and guide you and your organization in powerful ways!"

Judy Morrison

"Peg is an amazing woman! With her drama, wit and love for the Lord portrayed she captures her audience and keeps them wanting more. With her genuineness and warm, caring heart each one of our ladies is wondering when she is going to come back! She has spoken at two of our ladies' events now and when the planning for others starts one of the first topics that come up are "where can we fit Peg in". Her willingness for transparency in allowing the Holy Spirit to work through her messages as well as in her writing is outstanding. If you're looking for a speaker to create a warm atmosphere for your event while speaking God's word she is definitely the speaker for you!"

"Thank you so much for a wonderful retreat. I don't know when I have had so much fun while at the same time learning so much about our God-given talents to grow as a Christian and a friend. Peg was fantastic and really portrayed the women perfectly."