WoW Speaking Drama Ministry

February Love Verses

I wanted to share with you a project I have been working on this month. It is a compilation of Love Scriptures for the month of February. Most of the photos come from the Word Swag App and a couple of them are my own. I hope you enjoy these. Feel free to share them.  Here is February 1-14:

feb 1 feb 14 feb 13 feb 12 feb 11 feb 10 feb 8 feb 9 feb 7 feb 6 feb 5 feb 4 feb 3 feb 2

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Peg Arnold
Welcome, I'm Peg Arnold!

In spite of giving my heart to Christ as a teenager, I continued to focus on my inadequacies and struggle with self-doubt. I knew God was always there, and desired to seek His will. It has been through His word, His love, and forgiveness that I have found strength to overcome my insecurities. I want that for you too.

Peg Arnold

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