Distraction of the Dawn

photo sunrise 2

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is His faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22, 23

Morning is a time that engages the senses. Pastel ribbons of the dawning sun paint the sky as fingers of light float over the horizon giving shape and definition to the shadows in the landscape.   Birds fill the air with a cheerful chorus and the fragrance of the morning dew refreshes and energizes me.  I love taking my coffee out on the deck and basking in the gift of God’s new day. When I rise early enough to experience the dawn, I gain strength for the day through His early morning gifts.  Unfortunately, I find it difficult to wake up in the morning and often tap the snooze button just to garner a few more moments of sleep.

I thought about this as the Easter story was read this past weekend.  Mary went to the tomb right before dawn with spices to preserve Jesus’ body.  She was grieving the loss of her friend and Savior, probably still questioning why his death had to happen.  I am sure she did not see the beauty of the colorful sunrise or hear the song of the birds.  She was using all her strength to find comfort in caring for the body of Jesus.

Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning, Psalm 30:5B. Mary had no expectations for experiencing joy in her time of grief. Perhaps she had not slept all night and had tossed and turned in a restless sleep.  First, she experienced fear when she found the stone removed from its entrance.  Soon, that fear and sorrow turned to joy when the resurrected Savior revealed Himself to her.  This is the story of Easter!  God’s gift of salvation is freely offered to us just like the gift of a new beginning each day.

Sometimes our burdens blind our ability to experience the peace and joy that the Lord wants to give us.  Other times our own stressors and exhaustion obstruct our ability to be energized by the gifts of the new day.  No matter where you are today, remember, The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is His faithfulness, Lamentations 3:22,-23.

Father God, Thank you for the gift of salvation and grace freely given to me through the resurrection of your son Jesus.  Help me to experience your presence each morning in the gifts of creation and the words of your scriptures.  Amen.

As always, I appreciate your encouragement and seek to serve!

Peg Arnold

Bringing Stories to Life!


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