wash me white as snow

Distraction of Drifts #devotion


A discerning person keeps wisdom in view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth. Proverbs 17:24

While nestled in my warm cozy home, watching the snow accumulate and drift with the latest storm, I am relishing this gift of time.  Snow days can be a beautiful distraction, if I don’t have to go anywhere. But if my obligations require me to get out into the weather, it can become dangerous and debilitating. Add to this the exhausting job of shoveling and clearing the snow from my driveway and front walk.   But if the wind picks up, it feels like the work I have done, was for naught as I watch that cleared pavement drift over with the fluffy white stuff once again.

Sometimes my intentions drift like snow. Receiving the gift of time because of a storm, makes me realize how vulnerable I am to this. It seems that I should have plenty of time during these unexpected days off for my devotions and that I would use this opportunity to cross off those organizational tasks on my never-ending “to-do” lists. To be honest, even though some of the tasks are completed, there is always a feeling that I am not as productive as I should be.

Drifting snow has its changing beauty, and it tends to slow me down. Sometimes my days are so scheduled that I constantly live under a cloud of guilt with the lack of my own productivity. A gift of drifting time is a welcome surprise. It’s a bonus to have a day that allows more flexibility and opens up special times with loved ones or just plain relaxation.

Proverbs 17: 24 is a reminder that when we are wise and intentional with our thoughts we are more discerning to what God’s will is. But if we wander too much we can stray from the desires that God has for us. At first I interpreted this as an admonishment to my squandered hours during my day off. However, as I thought about it, God is reminding me to be intentional about how I use these unexpected gifts of time. He is slowing me down to recognize the immeasurable value to family time, relaxation and even time to focus on a study I may have just raced through the first time. Proverbs 62:5 reminds me to find my rest in God. “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”

May you find wisdom and rest in your distraction of snow drifts and drifting time.

Bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul, Worship His Holy name, Sing like never before, oh my soul, worship His Holy name. Amen   (words from 10,000 Reasons- Matt Redman)

Peg Arnold
Welcome, I'm Peg Arnold!

In spite of giving my heart to Christ as a teenager, I continued to focus on my inadequacies and struggle with self-doubt. I knew God was always there, and desired to seek His will. It has been through His word, His love, and forgiveness that I have found strength to overcome my insecurities. I want that for you too.

Peg Arnold

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