Distraction of Discombobulation

Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. Psalm 55:22 MSG

Standing in line, suffocating behind my mask while waiting for my documents to be reviewed, my anxiety is building. Will I be able to get my jacket and shoes off, my computer and liquids out efficiently so I am not the one holding up the line? Then, what if my bag is pulled and I have to wait even longer in my bare feet while they search through my personal belongings? I don’t know about you, but I always feel so discombobulated when I go through airport security. It’s awkward to carry all the bags and removed items to an empty bench, get dressed, and repacked to start the trek towards the gate.

On my most recent trip, I had to laugh because after gathering my items from the security area there was a huge sign-Recombobulation Area! Finally, someone identified exactly how I felt and what I needed following the invasive TSA procedures. Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the need for screening everyone who enters a plane. It increases my sense of security. I just know that I have not learned the knack of moving through TSA with grace and efficiency.

It started me thinking about the many times I experience other situations where I feel completely discombobulated and out of sorts.  Sometimes I wish I had a place or a way to recombobulate and regroup. David expresses this same feeling in Psalm 55. He begins the lament by crying out to God, “I am overwhelmed by my troubles.” He then proceeds to list his troubles in detail: threats, hatred, assaults, fear, violence, and much more. My sense of discombobulation pales to David’s experiences, yet in every single lament he writes, he always concludes that his true refuge, strength, and comfort is found in the Lord.

Reading the Psalms is a great reminder that the Lord is always there to provide just what I need to recombobulate when my world is falling apart. It may not be physically putting things back in order like I need to do at TSA security, but He always offers me rest, security, and strength to handle the challenges of the day.

When you feel discombobulated, where do you go? Who do you turn to?

Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. Psalm 55:22 MSG

Dear Lord, So many times I am trying to carry my challenges by myself. Forgive me when I ignore you. Forgive me when I don’t trust You. I desire to pray with the same conviction as David, believing that You will answer when You hear me call. As I list my troubles that discombobulate my world, I have faith that You will provide exactly what I need. Thank you! Amen

As always, I appreciate your encouragement and seek to serve!

Peg Arnold

Bringing Stories to Life and giving them purpose!

Have you ordered my book Devotions for the Distracted Heart- https://www.amazon.com/Devotions-Distracted-Heart-Peg-Arnold/dp/1732769923/

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